Do you wish that you had more control over your dissociative symptoms?

Triggers, switching, and co-consciousness come with the territory when you have D.I.D. but that doesn't mean that they need to run your life! Instead of feeling helpless, your system can learn how to control your dissociative symptoms and live more of the life you want. In this course, you'll learn how to...

  • Start and stop co-consciousness
  • Use a shield to protect and block information
  • Remain in the front
  • Switch in and out on command
  • Find and help an alter going through a trigger
  • Face a panic attack

Your system can gain more control and we'll show you how!

You can work with your dissociative symptoms! In this course you'll learn how to...

Work with Shields and Co-Consciousness
Switch In, Out, and Stay Where You Want To Be
Handle Triggers, Find Alters That Need Help, and Face Panic Attacks

**Before You Enroll**

This course is part of our Foundation Series and it builds on the information from the courses Diagnosed With D.I.D.Meet The AltersHome At Last, and Of One Mind.

If you have not taken these courses, please send us an email so we can help you decide which course is the best fit for your system.
